Published on: 19 Oct 2023
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EAL’s Lead Technical Advisor for engineering and manufacturing, Samantha Ashman recently participated as a guest judge at the IMechE Apprentice Automation Challenge 2023 finals, held at the Manufacturing Technology Centre in Coventry on September 29th.
As a guest judge, Samantha had the opportunity to witness the exceptional talent displayed by apprentice engineers who demonstrated their prowess by conceiving and fabricating innovative household or garden devices to address real-world issues. Organised by the Institution's Manufacturing Industries Division's Young Members Committee, the competition demanded participating teams to deliver a comprehensive report with a detailed design specification, manufacturing instructions, a user manual, and a solid business case.
Out of all the teams that participated in the competition, only six were selected for the final. Each team had the opportunity to present their prototype, market research, and explain why their product was innovative. The judges evaluated the teams based on their design, quality of prototype, and product functionality. The results from the judges on the day were combined with the submitted reports to determine the winners who received prize money: £2,000 for the first prize, £500 for the Highly Commended prize from the judges, and £100 for the Peer Review winners.
We are pleased to announce that "Team It's All under Control from Leonardo" was the overall winner and the winner of the Peer Review, while "Team Luffing Legends" from NiftyLift was awarded the Highly Commended prize from the judges.
Not only did these teams showcase their immense talent, but they also demonstrated their ability to work collaboratively and creatively to design and manufacture innovative solutions. This competition provides a valuable learning experience for apprentices and helps them develop their skills. As a result, it is highly recommended for employers and educational institutions seeking to empower their apprentices to become future leaders in their respective fields.
For support in the delivery of EAL products or more information on our offers, contact Samantha Ashman.
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